What he leaves clearly that is not an unproductive land, but yes badly used to advantage for the plantation, however used to advantage well for the construction of a northeast negative image. In this same literature is not possible to leave to consider thinking, producing cultural or same leaderships politics that if pledge in constructing an image bid on the culture of the region the force that it has if she shows to the country, thus making to be born the true one Brazilian northeast, breaking myths and, personages who if make representatives, presenting it as an unprovided region of cangaceiros and villains economically. The image that if has is dominant a vision that corresponds to a on economy to the cattle one or same a sugar Northeast that was imprisoned the roots politics of passed centuries, in the which solid bases they had been fixed and dominant groups consequentemente obtain to manipulate the space, what it makes with that people without knowledge of the region believe that the only northeast problem is dries: most of the Brazilians thinks that it dries is the main northeast problem (…). however one is about I exaggerate, therefore Brazil as a whole (…) is underdeveloped and the majority of its inhabitants has a low standard of living. Also, the great problems northeast? how the land ownership, remuneration many times the low one of the minimum wage etc.? they occur much more in the zone of the bush, where problems do not exist of dry, of what in the hinterland Garci’a, (1986. 34p, apud Portela and Andrade, 1987:30) Ahead of the words of Portela and Andrade do not have much that if argues, therefore in nothing the Northeast of cangao, of the device or even though of it dries can be compared with the current Northeast, was an imprisoned region the oligarchy, already the current one is in search of an enrollment in the globalizado world, is not few the investments so that this is a solid reality..