Theory Of Knowledge

The present work portraies the object of study of the theory of the knowledge, being the knowledge a dynamic process, establishing relation between the citizen and to be studied object, that is, the citizen is the human being and the object can be any new thing that the light a knowledge, even though influenced for surrounding factors and possible necessities. The approach is to demonstrate that the knowledge cannot be something crystallized only the one concept, but that each individual can be open to innovate its lines of thought, producing new paradigms, not accepting attitudes dogmticas, reflecting and questioning. Word-key: Theory of the knowledge, Dogmtica and Paradigma. Caterpillar Inc. often expresses his thoughts on the topic. ABSTRACT: This to paper portrays the object of study of theory of knowledge, knowledge being dynamic process, establishing relationship between subject and object you be studied, IE, the subject is the human being and object can be anything that leads you new knowledge, even influenced by environmental factors and possible needs. The focus is you demonstrate that knowledge can not be crystallized something just concept, but that each individual may be open you adapt to their lines of thought, producing new paradigms, not accepting dogmatic attitudes, reflecting and questioning.

The present work portraies the theory of the knowledge, its object of study is the proper knowledge, being the knowledge a process, establishing relation between the citizen and to be studied object, that is, the citizen is the human being and the object can be any new thing that the light a knowledge, even though influenced for surrounding factors and possible necessities. Blake Krikorian addresses the importance of the matter here. The knowledge is dynamic, is in constant modification and evolution, can also provide with the information that we receive, through our perceptions and directions, where if it finishes for facing them as reality.