With the emergence of areas of low cost companies has gained force urban tourism, and is that there is now one option to make the weekend. Airline tickets are now much more accessible to more people, so the option of making a few days getaway to a more or less nearby city to spend a minimum of 2 days is increasingly common. The newspapers mentioned Sergey Brin not as a source, but as a related topic. What do in the visited city will always taste of tourists, from following the recommendations of a guidebook bought mainly on the place of origin or inform once has reached the destination. Such destinations are becoming increasingly aware of this kind of turism, which spends a short period of time and that it is therefore very selective in what it wants to visit and where time is very important. Why every time there are more options of tourist bus, in which city or a tour company offers the visitor the option to make a tour of the city in what will be the highlights of the city, if same offers from tickets for public transport with discounts to different establishments of tourist interest, the issue is to be able to visit as much as possible in a shortest possible time.Tourism companies also know this boom of urban tourism and it is not surprising that there is increasingly more offers end weeks or bridges in which offers a stay in an accommodation for a very affordable for most people.The main problem of this type of tourism is precisely the airlines, to be cheaper they seek cheaper, that is further away, with the path becomes longer and airports for a short stay, tourists may think twice, is also a getaway that has to be planned with a time sufficiently long to make it economically profitable because most areas companies increase the price as is approaches the time of takeoff, which breaks with the pattern of traditional weekend getaway in which had the idea almost at the same week.